Our attention to detail starts on day one of the hens life. We take delivery of the day old chicks to
our four shed rearing unit on the out skirts of Elgin. Here we pay particular attention to lighting,
heating, feeding and water.
The healthier and stronger these ‘young chicks’ grow into hens the better the quality of eggs they
will produce.
At eighteen weeks old we transfer them to our laying unit at Mayne Farm, Elgin. The rearing unit
and laying unit are kept seperte to prevent any sickness.
The Allarburn Poultry Unit houses 6,000 barn birds who roam free in side the barn unit, and a
further 12,000 Free Range birds who are free to roam out-side.
- Ducks
- Free Range Hens
When it comes to freshness, Allarburn can’t be beaten. The eggs our hens lay overnight are
graded by lunchtime and on our shop shelf by 2pm that same day.
All our Allarburn Egg Production goes into our own brand packaging so customers can be
assured when they buy Allarburn Eggs that they are the freshest eggs with full tracability for the
best prices.
- Free Range Eggs
- Geese
Along with hens eggs, Allarburn produce at their Mayne Farm Poultry Unit a large number of
duck eggs from their 800 duck flock, a small number of quails eggs together with
goose eggs as well.